You can achieve wavy hair with new haircuts. Following are the simple steps that you need to follow.
• Wash your hair and then spray it with a texture spray at the roots after turning your hair completely upside down.
• You must then apply a balm for straightening the hair.
• Next brush your hair so that the balm spreads in an even manner throughout the hair. Drying your hair after that starting from the roots level is what you must do after that.
• Separate your hair in three parts and secure it with a clip.
• Take one part and apply styling gel taking one part in one time. Drape your hair now around a curling iron. Let the ends be loose so that you do not have a crease mark.
• After you roll curl, pin it closer to the scalp.
• Once the pinned curls cool down, loosen them up.
• Now, dry the hair gently by using the cool setting that is there on the dryer. A brush must not be used at all.
• Apply some hairspray without changing the look and you have gorgeous wavy hair ready.

Haircuts for Wavy hair in 2010

Haircuts for Wavy hair in 2010

Haircuts for Wavy hair in 2010

Haircuts for Wavy hair in 2010

Haircuts for Wavy hair in 2010

Haircuts for Wavy hair in 2010

Haircuts for Wavy hair in 2010

Haircuts for Wavy hair in 2010

Haircuts for Wavy hair in 2010

Haircuts for Wavy hair in 2010